
Frequently Asked Questions

How to add your TIDAL credentials to the Bang & Olufsen App
What is TIDAL?
What features are available if I use TIDAL through the Bang & Olufsen App?
Can I use TIDAL through the Bang & Olufsen App only, or do I need to install the TIDAL app?
Can I use TIDAL Connect?
Where do I find TIDAL in the Bang & Olufsen App?
Does the implementation of TIDAL impact the Deezer functionality in the Bang & Olufsen App?
What audio quality do I get when using TIDAL?
Can I transfer my playlists from other music streaming services?
Do I need a subscription to use TIDAL in the Bang & Olufsen App?
Which Bang & Olufsen products are fully compatible with TIDAL?
Is My Collection synchronised between the Bang & Olufsen App and TIDAL?
Does the implementation of TIDAL affect B&O Radio?
How do I assign a TIDAL playlist to a favourite button?
Will new TIDAL features be made available in the Bang & Olufsen App in the future?
How do I manage my TIDAL playlists in the Bang & Olufsen App?

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